When you engage a professional wedding photographer, the majority of people hunt for a well-known brand that will cover the event or be handled by an event management organization. Based on my previous expertise as a professional wedding photographer. I’ve compiled a list of typical mistakes people make when hiring, as well as what you should look for when picking a cameraman.

Mistakes people make while hiring a Photograper
- This photographer’s rates are very exorbitant; he must be well-known and really professional.
- Choosing a huge brand that has a photo studio in every part of the city.
- Allowing the event management firm entire control over wedding photographs while not knowing who the cameraman is.
- Bargaining excessively with a wedding photographer.
- Not investigating the photographer’s creative professional work.
Expensive doesn’t always mean better
Do not pick a cameraman just based on the price or the brand name. I’ve heard from a few older relatives that we engaged professional photographers from the XYZ brand for thousands of dollars. A larger price tag does not necessarily imply the best of the best results. Some photographers charge based only on what others charge, without considering how qualified they are.
Huge Brand doesn’t mean better photo
The so-called brand XYZ will have many branches both within and outside of the city. These brands may have begun with a few photographers and photo editors and may have been successful until they acquired the brand name. They will undoubtedly have all of the necessary camera equipment to cover the occasion. In order to expand, these brands recruit more photographers and editors as they grow. These photographers and photo editors cover many events each week and are paid on a monthly basis or on a contract basis.

All of the above are OK, but I do not suggest them since the cameraman engaged for the event by the major companies will not be concerned with the final product because he is working for someone else rather than his own brand. The same is true for photo editors.
These brands are not worth paying for the quality of images or prints they provide. Most assistants and photo editors are underpaid, and these companies are more concerned with earning money by billing clients than with quality when compared to individual photographers.
I see college and high school students being employed as cameramen by big businesses and these college students like doing it during their free time. They just press the shutter button without even learning the fundamentals of photography, and the rest is taken care of during post-processing. Imagine how effective the unknown photographer’s work would be in capturing those crucial moments.
Wedding photography by Event Management Firm
In many situations, event management companies strive to keep as much profit as possible for themselves. Many people just leave it to an event management company to handle. It should be noted that even if you choose a cameraman of your choice, there are situations when changes are made at the last minute for a variety of stupid reasons.
For example, the reason given would be something like, suppose the requested cameraman did not show up and we had to choose our own cameraman; in reality, this will be pre-planned, but not always. The best thing to do in this situation is to make direct contact with the wedding photographer offered by the event management firm.
Bargaining excessively with a photographer
You might just ask him if there is any kind of discount once before the event. And that is the most you can do. Comparing your cameraman to other photographers, haggling after the event, asking the cameraman to cover smaller events at the time of the event when you were not notified beforehand, and requesting a complimentary album are all a no-no. The more you bargain, the more irritated the cameraman will be, and the image quality will suffer.

Check photographer’s work
The work of a cameraman is typically posted on his or her own website and social media profile. You never know who the cameraman is or how skilled they are when you hire a cameraman from a brand. Individual photographers, on the other hand, concentrate and focus on their projects because they do not work for anybody. Individual photographers often cover 20 to 30 events per year and are more focused on their work. They execute the majority of the job themselves; they have their own way of catching those key moments, as well as the retouching/post-editing work.
You may look at an individual photographer’s work before hiring them for an event. So, unlike the brand, you will know precisely what to expect and how wonderful their job is. By chatting directly with the cameraman, you may interact, modify, and plan. When compared to the brand, the terms and conditions are a little more lenient.
Hope you have learned something today by reading this blog post. Buy me a coffee to support my work or you can go to my store to buy some of my images. Also, do not forget to join my FriendZone by signing up for my newsletter. Consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.